Listening - a key leadership capacity in times of disruption | International Gender Champions
When listening is most productive, it is always about communication. It is two-sided even when one person is left to make a decision. It takes into account the words, the viewpoints, of others and then respects them. To be a good listener it is imperative that you become free enough of your own agenda to really hear someone else.
David Falkner • Russell Rules: 11 Lessons on Leadership from the Twentieth Century's Greatest Winner
Being a good listener is one of the most important and enchanting life skills anyone can have. Yet few of us know how to do it, not because we are evil but because no one has taught us how and – a related point – few have listened sufficiently well to us. So we come to social life greedy to speak rather than listen, hungry to meet others but reluct
... See moreAlain De Botton • The School of Life: An Emotional Education
Listening, I’ve come to understand, is bearing witness to lives unfolding, to lives being discovered. Deep listening, listening compassionately, means guiding, gently nudging, or sometimes shoving people down the path of radical self-inquiry so they can make their way to their own truest selves. Then, and only then, can they lead with the dignity a
... See moreJerry Colonna • Reboot: Leadership and the Art of Growing Up
Good listening can increase your negotiation power by increasing the information you have about the other side’s interests or about possible options. Once you understand the other side’s feelings and concerns, you can begin to address them, to explore areas of agreement and disagreement, and to develop useful ways to proceed in the future. Consider
... See moreRoger Fisher, William L. Ury, Bruce Patton • Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In
You have to listen to be listened to. Everyone brings their own experiences to this moment, and without the conflict, there is no room for creativity.” (Creativity is the key word here. In adaptive leadership, conflicting perspectives and factions must be brought together to create a workable harmonic.)
Sharon Daloz Parks • Leadership Can Be Taught: A Bold Approach for a Complex World
Asking questions will only get you so far. Even more important is listening to the answers. And even more important than that? Listening to understand, not just listening to respond or reply.
Brian Miller • Three New People: Make the Most of Your Daily Interactions and Stop Missing Amazing Opportunities
Wisdom Round-Up: What Prospects Actually Want, Psychology of Spending, and Improving Implementation
The energy required for the discipline of bracketing and the focusing of total attention is so great that it can be accomplished only by love, by the will to extend oneself for mutual growth. Most of the time we lack this energy. Even though we may feel in our business dealings or social relationships that we are listening very hard, what we are us
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