Liberating Structures - 32. Panarchy
Liberating Structures - 32. Panarchy
When a problem or an opportunity arises, an ad hoc meeting is convened across teams. When a more permanent form of coordination is needed, a staff function might emerge from the teams in a process of reverse delegation. None of this needs approval from above.
This framework allows us to connect spatial and material aspects of settlements available in the archeological record to social and economic network processes and their products, including a society’s collective capacity to produce private and public goods and its associated division of labor and knowledge.
This region of the dynamic spectrum, where outdated order dissolves into a creative and responsive chaos from which novel order can emerge, is often referred to as “the edge of chaos.” Stuart Kaufman suggested: “The best place for a system to be, in order to respond appropriately to a constantly changing world, is at the edge of chaos.” He explains
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