It is hard to get - people always do not understand or they say they get it and it is totally wrong.. like you are salesforce! no. Or worse - yeah I understand but why would we pay for that! sign of weak positioning.
status quo: 30% of deals are lost due to indecision. excel sheets, interns, pen and paper you have to position towards those too. win against alternatives.
In B2B you segment the market on anything i.e folks have a creative system and use this particular packaging on regular use. there is no person, we are talking about a company.
Capabilities comparison (features, capabilities of the company, capabilities of the product )is important. the differentiator value ones, in which there will be two or three themes.
Example: Segway is archetypal wrong in positioning. He went on the next level of human transport, but then it comes to this thing on good morning America. everyone is disappointed. they can not place it.