Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal
At the heart of our divisions is almost half a century of rising inequality and declining social mobility. Americans tolerate more economic inequality than citizens of other modern democracies: if anyone can become anything, today’s unequal results are fair and might well change tomorrow. That was never completely true, but now it’s plainly false.
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In recent years a new anti-monopoly movement has emerged, partly inspired by the Progressives, with new ideas for the old desire to make all citizens capable of participating in our political and economic life. Its most famous advocate is Senator Elizabeth Warren, who often echoes Brandeis, and who told the story of Frances Perkins one night in a c
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now it’s clear that all the important trends began in the seventies. It was the end of postwar, middle-class, bipartisan America.
George Packer • Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal
Nothing Trump did was more destructive than turning the pandemic into a central front of the partisan war. How many of the hundreds of thousands of American dead would be breathing today if he had told the whole country to wear a mask?
George Packer • Last Best Hope: America in Crisis and Renewal
Real America isn’t a shining city on a hill with its gates open to freedom-loving people everywhere. Nor is it a cosmopolitan club where the right talents and credentials will get you admitted no matter who you are or where you’re from. It’s a provincial village where everyone knows everyone’s business, no one has much more money than anyone else,
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Cheap, blatant, and readily accessible, American pop culture was made for the world’s first leisured masses. It’s almost designed to offend snobs, which is why cultural anti-Americanism tends to take root in the traditional upper ranks of societies. No working-class Englishman ever despised Americans as much as Graham Greene and John le Carré, both
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Ever since Reagan, the Republican Party has been a coalition of business interests and downscale whites, many of them evangelical Christians. By 2010 it was like a figure in a hall of mirrors whose head and body have been severed but continue to move as if they’re still attached. The persistence of the coalition required an immense amount of self-d
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These incidents of “political correctness,” amplified by right-wing media, whipped up hatred of elites out in Real America. The culture wars raged on, as bloody-minded and durable as the Thirty Years’ War, a full-employment program for pundits of every type. Some worried about a generation of ultra-sensitive children coddled by ultra-indulgent adul
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The year 2020 began with an impeachment trial, the third in American history. The president had used his official powers to extort a political favor from a foreign leader in order to help his own reelection. His guilt was clear—only the tribal loyalty of his party kept him in office. But before long hardly anyone remembered the impeachment. The yea
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These conditions, largely the result of decades of anti-government ideology, turn equality into a lie, and the lie deranges everyone. The way to begin reversing the deterioration is to show the American people that government can make their lives better. We’ve been ravaged by a short emergency—the pandemic and the depression-like conditions that it
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