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Kevin Kelly on Why Technology Has a Will
Most of my optimism comes from history. The older I get, the more interested I become in history. I hated it in high school, but I spend more time reading about history than I ever did before. And the more time I spend studying the past, the more evident it becomes that progress is real, and that we should acknowledge it.
Kevin Kelly • Kevin Kelly on Why Technology Has a Will
The third source of optimism is a kind of more recent understanding that progress—the progress that we have had—is not really visible. It’s a very small delta. So, we may only create 1% more progress every year than we destroyed. Net progress of 1% is really not visible in any given year. But 1% compounded over decades and even centuries is what ci... See more
Kevin Kelly • Kevin Kelly on Why Technology Has a Will
I believe that the solutions to the problems created by technology is not less technology, but better technology.