Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures

Our beliefs are, in aggregate, like an operating system: they sit in the background and serve as a framework within which it is possible to organize our lives.
Moshe Koppel • Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures
It is a myth that we seek truth for its own sake; we seek truth in order to live coherent lives.
Moshe Koppel • Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures
people can’t live coherent lives without certain unfounded beliefs.
Moshe Koppel • Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures
Unlike Shimen, Heidi aspires to base her beliefs solely on evidence and to choose her commitments based on these justified beliefs. She specifically aspires for her most deeply held beliefs to transcend the particular culture in which she lives.
Moshe Koppel • Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures
The anticipatory nature of redemption in Jewish belief paradoxically softens eschatological fervor and prevents the calamities associated with “hastening the end” that afflict societies in which messianic longing is either too overt or too repressed.
Moshe Koppel • Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures
Attempting to prove the truth of the canonical Jewish historical narrative from outside Jewish practice is nothing but a fool’s errand. In Judaism, belief can only be the residue of practice.
Moshe Koppel • Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures
We can’t default to the belief that the society we belong to is a link in a directed process that connects our past with our future unless we have a very strong sense of which society we belong to: Gerer Hasidim, committed Jews, all Jews, educated Westerners, human beings, sentient beings?
Moshe Koppel • Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures
Yirat shamayim is almost orthogonal to the issue of one’s opinions: you can formulate clever arguments in favor of Jewish belief and yet lack yirat shamayim, and you can formulate clever arguments against Jewish belief but nevertheless have yirat shamayim.
Moshe Koppel • Judaism Straight Up: Why Real Religion Endures
Jewish belief is only coherent and meaningful to those already committed to the Jewish way of life, who experience its vitality viscerally.