Saved by Keely Adler
Dense Discovery / Issue 183
As the globetrotting Airbnb generation that’s increasingly susceptible to income, housing and job insecurity, millennials are perhaps the first generation to embody a sense of placelessness.
Dense Discovery • Dense Discovery / Issue 183
“Sense of place – the way we perceive places such as streets, communities, cities or ecoregions – influences our well-being, how we describe and interact with a place, what we value in a place, our respect for ecosystems and other species, how we perceive the affordances of a place, our desire to build more sustainable and just communities, and how... See more
Dense Discovery • Dense Discovery / Issue 183
we’re at risk of losing the shared temporal rhythm required for a well-functioning society. I think the same could be said for our shared sense of place. If community is key for climate change resilience and adaptation, we ought to focus more on committing to and investing in the places we inhabit. For younger generations like mine, this may mean h... See more
Dense Discovery • Dense Discovery / Issue 183
One of the podcasts I occasionally listen to recently debated the question whether there is a place in Australia where people are safe from climate change and I thought this answer by a former UN adviser on disaster risk reduction was pretty great: “The safest place to live in Australia is where you have a sense of community, because at the e... See more