Saved by Isabelle Levent
Is using Lensa art theft? | The ethics of AI generated art
If it was possible to deduce how much of an influence each individual image has on the final outcome (and the owner of each image was known and labelled, which I currently doubt happens), would it be simple to compensate people then?
Olu • Is using Lensa art theft? | The ethics of AI generated art
Many methods for creating these models don't (and to be honest can't) attach the name, website and other details of every image and piece of text used to a create a new image in the metadata to every step of the process.
Olu • Is using Lensa art theft? | The ethics of AI generated art
Many people don't consider that when they use the internet, be that making a simple HTML/CSS site, or using a site through a big conglomerate, scrapers are scraping and crawlers are crawling the content unless you've specifically configured robots.txt and no-index rules to prevent it.