/新書上架/ Sharol Nude by Sharol Xiao 「這是我希望被你看見的樣貌。 我希望你看到的是我這個人,而不是看到了一個女性的特質。讓我們討論身為人的共同性。」 “I want you to see me as a person, not as a female body. Let’s discuss the commonality of being human.” 《Sharol Nude》是台灣藝術家Sharol Xiao最新的攝影作品集,將於日本京都攝影節發表。書中收錄大量使用底片相機拍攝的自拍照片,讓讀者感受到自由、真實與虛幻的交集。這本288頁的全黑白攝影集,展示了Sharol對人性感性思維的真實直視。透過這些照片,Sharol探索了人和宇宙、社會的關係,強調和諧的重要與美好。 《Sharol Nude》是Sharol在她的藝術之路上的最新成就,展示了她對生命的深刻理解和敏銳觀察力。「活著不只是有呼吸,更要用力真誠地愛著這個世界」她說。 "Sharol Nude" is the latest photo collection by Taiwanese artist Sharol Xiao, to be presented at the Kyoto Photography Festival in Japan. Featuring a plethora of self-portraits taken with a film camera, the 288-page black and white photo book offers a glimpse into the freedom, reality, and fantasy that intersect within us. Through these images, Sharol Xiao explores the relationship between the individual, the universe, and society, emphasizing the importance and beauty of harmony. "Sharol Nude" is a testament to Sharol Xiao's deep understanding and keen observation of life, a culmination of her artistic journey thus far. “To live is not only to breathe, but also to love the world with all your strength and sincerity.” she said - 初版 First edition / 1000 出版 Published in April 2023 尺寸 format 12.5 x 18.2cm 出版 Publisher : Yoichi Nakamuta / Jwagg Art Foundation 設計 Design: Kazuki Kitahara (UMMM) 印刷 Printing: SunM Color 裝訂 Binding: ShinNihonSeihon ————————————— Online shop ⬇️ https://reurl.cc/M83N9k ————————————— @sharol_xiao