This is our 1950 stone house in the Hudson Valley. Feels like a member of the family at this point. Also feels a bit weird sharing such a personal part of our lives here, but I’m super proud of this place and the work we’ve done on it over the past 9 years (and I figure it’s only fair since I literally base my life and career around sharing everyone else’s private spaces, ha). Please check out the full story in the really strong new issue of @upstate_diary . I love this publication and it feels like the perfect home for what is basically my favorite place on the planet. The always excellent Michael Snyder came up for a fun visit and I’m so happy he was the one to write the story. All new architectural interventions, designs and renovations were done by and in collaboration with super smart architect friend and proud Mancunian @camrwalker . Thanks a million, Cam. Anyway, labor of love and all that, thanks for looking….