Incerto 4-Book Bundle

The great historian Paul Veyne has recently shown that it is a big myth that gladiators were forced labor. Most were volunteers who wanted the chance to become heroes by risking their lives and winning, or, when failing, to show in front of the largest crowd in the world how they were able to die honorably, without cowering—when a gladiator loses t... See more
Nassim Nicholas Taleb • Incerto 4-Book Bundle
If about everything top-down fragilizes and blocks antifragility and growth, everything bottom-up thrives under the right amount of stress and disorder. The process of discovery (or innovation, or technological progress) itself depends on antifragile tinkering, aggressive risk bearing rather than formal education.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb • Incerto 4-Book Bundle
We accept that people who boast are boastful and turn people off. How about companies? Why aren’t we turned off by companies that advertise how great they are? We have three layers of violations:
Nassim Nicholas Taleb • Incerto 4-Book Bundle
There is something like a switch in us that kills the individual in favor of the collective when people engage in communal dances, mass riots, or war. Your mood is now that of the herd. You are part of what Elias Canetti calls the rhythmic and throbbing crowd.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb • Incerto 4-Book Bundle
But all these refugees don’t notice the obvious: the most stable country in the world does not have a government. And it is not stable in spite of not having a government; it is stable because it does not have one.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb • Incerto 4-Book Bundle
Entrepreneurs are selected to be just doers, not thinkers, and doers do, they don’t talk, and it would be unfair, wrong, and downright insulting to measure them in the talk department.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb • Incerto 4-Book Bundle
The bold conjecture made here is that everything that has life in it is to some extent antifragile (but not the reverse). It looks like the secret of life is antifragility.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb • Incerto 4-Book Bundle
A writer told me, “I didn’t get anything done today.” Answer: try to do nothing. The best way to have only good days is to not aim at getting anything done.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb • Incerto 4-Book Bundle
You have a real life if and only if you do not compete with anyone in any of your pursuits.