Saved by Packy McCormick and
In Praise of the Gods
Rationality has so thoroughly soaked the earth that even those who call themselves religious have self-persuaded into experiencing religion through a purely rationalist lens. There is even the paradox of those who consider themselves the most religious, yet appear to be among the most rationalist, spending great energy on proof. Endless books, serm... See more
Simon Sarris • In Praise of the Gods
Without traditions it is still easy for us to form opinions, but difficult to form convictions
Simon Sarris • In Praise of the Gods
“Drink because you are happy, but never because you are miserable. Never drink when you are wretched without it, or you will be like the grey-faced gin-drinker in the slum; but drink when you would be happy without it, and you will be like the laughing peasant of Italy. Never drink because you need it, for this is rational drinking, and the way to ... See more
Simon Sarris • In Praise of the Gods
It is said that traditions are answers to enduring questions, and so dispensing with them because we do not understand them (or "see the point of them") is an unfortunate way to squander this inheritance.
Simon Sarris • In Praise of the Gods
When you have offered
your libation and have prayed, as is right,
hand your comrade the cup of honey wine,
so he may pour out his libation, too,
for he looks like someone who offers prayers
to the immortals.
All men need the gods.