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I'm Launching A New Fund...
Increased need for individual identity
Anthony Pompliano • I'm Launching A New Fund...
Decreased friction for audience building
Anthony Pompliano • I'm Launching A New Fund...
We are living through a time of great transition. These trends will lead to the creation of a new type of investor — the solo-capitalist. These trends include:
Anthony Pompliano • I'm Launching A New Fund...
A rise in solo-capitalist tools & platforms
Anthony Pompliano • I'm Launching A New Fund...
Increasing desire for removal of communication middlemen
Anthony Pompliano • I'm Launching A New Fund...
A transition away from institutions
Anthony Pompliano • I'm Launching A New Fund...
Some people may think the rolling fund structure looks like a shiny flash-in-the-pan opportunity, but as we know, the greatest innovations historically have looked like toys at inception. This rolling fund structure will be the beneficiary of many other macro trends underway.
Anthony Pompliano • I'm Launching A New Fund...
Greater focus on a decentralized investor base