idle gaze 045: enjoy the silence.
moments of silence, vaccum, being idle - in this overstimulated world
Soon silence will have passed into legend.
Man has turned his back on silence.
Day after day he invents machines and devices that increase noise and distract humanity from the essence of life, contemplation, meditation
Jean Arp
The sound of gentrification is silence.
Xochitl Gonzalez • Why Do Rich People Love Quiet?
There seem to be two distinct concerns for Illich. The first is that we lose the commons of which silence is an integral part and thus a measure of freedom and agency. The second, concurrent with the first, is that you and I may find it increasingly hard to be heard even as we are given more and more tools with which to speak. Alternatively, we mig... See more
L. M. Sacasas • Impossible Silences - The Convivial Society
Silence is the poetics of space. What it means to be in a place.