Saved by Seth Werkheiser and
I Will Fucking Piledrive You if You Mention AI Again
Listen, I would just be some random dude in India if I swapped places with some of my cousins, so I'm going to choose to take that personally and point out that using the word AI as some roundabout way to sell the labor of people that look like me to foreign governments is fucked up, you're an unethical monster, and that if you continue to try { th... See more • I Will Fucking Piledrive You if You Mention AI Again
Unless you are one of a tiny handful of businesses who know exactly what they're going to use AI for, you do not need AI for anything - or rather, you do not need to do anything to reap the benefits. Artificial intelligence, as it exists and is useful now, is probably already baked into your businesses software supply chain. Your managed security p... See more • I Will Fucking Piledrive You if You Mention AI Again
But if you don't have a use case then having this sort of broad capability is not actually very useful. The only thing you should be doing is improving your operations and culture , and that will give you the ability to use AI if it ever becomes relevant. Everyone is talking about Retrieval Augmented Generation, but most companies don't actually ha... See more • I Will Fucking Piledrive You if You Mention AI Again
This guy is my spirit engineer
Most organizations cannot ship the most basic applications imaginable with any consistency, and you're out here saying that the best way to remain competitive is to roll out experimental technology that is an order of magnitude more sophisticated than anything else your I.T department runs, which you have no experience hiring for • I Will Fucking Piledrive You if You Mention AI Again
how about you remain competitive by fixing your shit instead of building new shit?