"I Resonate With That" [NAILS ON CHALKBOARD]

Everyone Online Sounds Like an Absolute Fucking Poseur Lately

Freddie deBoerfreddiedeboer.substack.com

and added

Molly Young Why do corporations speak the way they do?

Mark Sabino It’s All Sweetgreen

300 Arguments

Sarah Manguso • 9 highlights

Cover of 300 Arguments

sari and added

#93: 5 new terms (that I made up)

maybe babyhaleynahman.substack.com
Thumbnail of #93: 5 new terms (that I made up)

Molly Young Why do corporations speak the way they do?

Heather Havrilesky Tolerating Unknowns Will Make You Stronger

Alex Dobrenko and added

Sasha Chapin 50 Things I Know
