I Have Arrived, I Am Home Thich Nhat Hanh's Calligraphy | Meditative Zen Artwork for Mindful Living
The Buddha is in you, and the Buddha knows how to breathe and how to walk very beautifully. When you forget, you can ask the Buddha to come, and he will come, right away.
Thich Nhat Hanh • Awakening of the Heart: Essential Buddhist Sutras and Commentaries
When we are standing in a line waiting to buy a ticket, or when we are just sitting down and waiting for anything, we can recite the gatha, “Breathing in, I calm my body,” in order to continue dwelling in mindfulness and to calm our body and mind.
Thich Nhat Hanh • Transformation And Healing: The Sutra on the Four Establishments of Mindfulness (Buddhims)
Smile to yourself. Smile to your body. Become aware that the blue sky, white clouds, and stars are above you and all around you. The Earth is holding you in her tender embrace. You are in a state of total rest. You have nothing to do and nowhere to run to. Everything you need is right here in this moment, and you smile.
Thich Nhat Hanh • The Art of Living: mindful techniques for peaceful living from one of the world’s most revered spiritual leaders
Happiness is Now | Plum Village
plumvillage.orgI have arrived. I am home.