How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
In my own lexicon, being a “cheapskate” is a virtue, not a vice. It’s not about being greedy or dishonest, and it’s not about sacrifice or deprivation. It’s all about choices—deciding what’s really important in your life (particularly those things that come without a price tag) and skipping the rest.
Jeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
That’s why “return on noninvestment” (as in “NOT SPENDING!”) is ultimately a far more important and powerful concept than the incessantly discussed, debated, and written-about concept of “return on investment.
Jeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
And, you know, a light just came on,” she says. “It made us realize that there’s a whole wide world out there, and even though we live in a small town in Mississippi where most people don’t do this sort of thing (world travel), we could actually go out there and see it … but only if we didn’t have debt and if we set our priorities on what we really
... See moreJeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
Debtor Dementia. (FYI: “Debtor Dementia” or, in Latin, Insaneous Borrowlingus, is a condition I first diagnosed years ago, a delusional state that otherwise rational people enter once they begin borrowing money.
Jeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
the importance of consistently living below your means throughout your life cannot be overstated.
Jeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
it conditions you to live on a fixed, limited amount of money; think of it as “test-driving” your retirement lifestyle/budget.
Jeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
I took a full year just to explore multiple directions simultaneously. I dabbled at buying and selling antiques and other unique artifacts through a local consignment shop; I tried to parlay my love of gardening and working outdoors into some project work for neighbors; I even became “the Bonsai Guy” for a while,
Jeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
But you should spend some time thinking about and planning for how you might manage just the opposite: success.
Jeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
becoming a volunteer usher at theaters and concert halls. Those facilities that use volunteers as ushers—and a great many do—typically allow you to see the shows for free and often invite volunteers to backstage events and other special functions.
Jeff Yeager • How to Retire the Cheapskate Way: The Ultimate Cheapskate's Guide to a Better, Earlier, Happier Retirement
Take out a piece of paper (or several) and just start writing down everything—and I mean everything—you enjoy doing in life. Don’t get bogged down by trying to keep it organized, or profound, or something that will ever be seen by anyone other than you.