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How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
A friendship that passes the Traffic Test gets better and better with time, and it has endless room to deepen and grow ever-richer. • How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
Fun. And the ability to extract fun out of unfun situations—airport delays, long drives, errands. Not surprisingly, studies suggest that the amount of fun a couple has is a strong predictor for their future. • How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
In searching for your life partner or assessing your current life partnership, it’s important to remember that every relationship is flawed and you probably won’t end up in something that gets an A in every one of the above items and bullet points—but you should hope to do pretty well on most of them, since each one plays a large part in your lifel... See more • How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
3) Determination to be Good at Marriage • How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
Fighting well. Fighting is inevitable. But there are good and bad ways to fight. When a couple is good at fighting, they defuse tension, approach things with humor, and genuinely listen to the other side, while avoiding getting nasty, personal or defensive. They also fight less often than a bad couple. • How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
Maintaining equality. Relationships can slip into an unequal power dynamic pretty quickly. • How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
And since this is a daunting list to try to achieve in a life partnership, you probably don’t want to make things even harder than they need to be by insisting upon too many other checkboxes—most of which will not have a large effect on your happiness during dinner #4,386 of your marriage. It would be nice if he played the guitar, but take it off t... See more • How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
Communication. Communication being on this list is as silly as “oxygen” being on a list of items you need to stay healthy. • How to Pick Your Life Partner - Part 2
- An Epic Friendship