How to build a growth team – lessons from Uber, Hubspot, and others (50 slides) at andrewchen

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added by Jordan Bester and · updated 2mo ago

from How to build a growth team – lessons from Uber, Hubspot, and others (50 slides) at andrewchen by Andrew Chen

Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • Growth design: A designer leading the UX, but with an emphasis on speed
  • from How to build a growth team – lessons from Uber, Hubspot, and others (50 slides) at andrewchen by Andrew Chen

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • Growth data: An analyst focused on creating insights – both macro on the user lifecycle, and micro, on specific experiments

    from How to build a growth team – lessons from Uber, Hubspot, and others (50 slides) at andrewchen by Andrew Chen

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • from How to build a growth team – lessons from Uber, Hubspot, and others (50 slides) at andrewchen by Andrew Chen

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • Growth marketer: A versatile marketer with an expertise in a given channel – from paid marketing to SEO to email to others

    from How to build a growth team – lessons from Uber, Hubspot, and others (50 slides) at andrewchen by Andrew Chen

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago

  • from How to build a growth team – lessons from Uber, Hubspot, and others (50 slides) at andrewchen by Andrew Chen

    Jordan Bester added 2y ago