Saved by Jordan Bester
How to build a Community that loves you
- Never forget that today’s hyper-empowered customer knows how an amazing customer experience feels like by dealing with companies like Amazon, Netflix and Apple.
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
5. Know your audience: - Diversity is important but FOCUS is even more.
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
- If your customers love your product, they’ll probably want to become ambassadors. Keep reminding them how easy it is to become one. At Craft Wallet, we keep telling this in our website, social media, emails and packaging. You should do the same. Just don’t become annoying.
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
2. Don’t forget to give: - " How can we deliver enough value to at least establish a balance between what the user is giving us and what we’re giving to him? "
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
- Since it’s hard to choose, many entrepreneurs try to please everyone. This is the best way to please no one. If you want to make a strong impact on someone, build a product that solves their exact problem, not “everyone’s problem”.
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
- Love ends with wars. It also keeps your business growing. Just keep giving it and your community will stay alive and sound. Stop giving it and they’ll change you for one of your competitors.
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
You need a small group of early adopters who love your company, trust you and are willing to go through a shitstorm of bad UX, just to give you their opinion on how you can improve your product.
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
6. Love is the answer:
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
4. Make sharing easy and rewarding: - From a product perspective, product love drives adoption, which drives retention, which drives people to love the product even more, and as a consequence bring more people into it. It compounds, therefore grows exponentially. And as your users “spread” the love, you don’t need to build it over and over again, y... See more
Medium • How to build a Community that loves you
1. Find your early-adopters: