How to achieve PMF: 10 milestones | Enzo Avigo posted on the topic | LinkedIn
When you have Product-Market Fit, you have healthy retention curves (they flatten out). But this isn’t the end goal. Your current retention doesn’t represent the true potential of your current product-market fit. There is a hypothetical retention curve that sits above that represents this true potential. What creates this gap? There are a set of us... See more
Bangaly Kaba • The Adjacent User Theory
Building a Growth Framework Towards a $100 Million Product — Brian Balfour
Brian Balfourbrianbalfour.comProduct/market fit is not just the prerequisite for growth, it is the fuel that powers all sustainable growth efforts.
Using Product/Market Fit to Drive Sustainable Growth
How are you going to find your early adopters? What acquisition channels are you going to test? Are you going to take a Founder-Led approach to sales and marketing? Will you need to hire? Or are you going to lean into Product-Led Growth? And, perhaps most importantly: Can you build a big enough audience and convert enough of them to paying customer
... See moreAndy Budd • The Growth Equation: How Early Stage Startups Can Build a Powerful Engine for Growth
a leading indicator of product/market fit: Just ask users “how would you feel if you could no longer use the product?” and measure the percent who answer “very disappointed.”
After benchmarking nearly a hundred startups, Sean Ellis found that the magic number for product/market fit was 40%.
After benchmarking nearly a hundred startups, Sean Ellis found that the magic number for product/market fit was 40%.
Product/Market fit survey by Sean Ellis and GoPractice
Some of my biggest surprises when researching paths to PMF for top B2B companies:
1. If you build it, they *will* come—if you have strong product-market fit.
Since this onboarding success metric is a leading indicator of user retention and product adoption, I call this the Product Adoption Indicator, or PAI for short. It’s an early but strong signal that users are likely to continue using a product going forward.