How the sounds of a calculator ended up on our website
Do ideas have agency?
Do they crave to be shared?
To be reproduced, like humans?
And if ideas have agency, do stories?
Do we tell stories, or do stories tell us?
Do we make sounds, or do sounds make us?
Does it matter?
Probably not.
Either way, our job is simply to listen.
And in listening, pay attention, be present, and perhaps create something wonderful... See more
Do they crave to be shared?
To be reproduced, like humans?
And if ideas have agency, do stories?
Do we tell stories, or do stories tell us?
Do we make sounds, or do sounds make us?
Does it matter?
Probably not.
Either way, our job is simply to listen.
And in listening, pay attention, be present, and perhaps create something wonderful... See more