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How I Think About Debt
My issue with debt is that it restricts your cash flow. It keeps money away from your priorities as you pay hundreds (sometimes thousands!) of dollars a month for something that’s already happened.
Jesse Mecham • You Need a Budget: The Proven System for Breaking the Paycheck-to-Paycheck Cycle, Getting Out of Debt, and Living the Life You Want
Economic theory tells us that it is precisely the fickle nature of confidence, including its dependence on the public’s expectation of future events, that makes it so difficult to predict the timing of debt crises. High debt levels lead, in many mathematical economics models, to “multiple equilibria” in which the debt level might be sustained —or m
... See moreCarmen M. Reinhart • This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
think of my own money as barbelled. I take risks with one portion and am terrified with the other. This is not inconsistent, but the psychology of money would lead you to believe that it is. I just want to ensure I can remain standing long enough for my risks to pay off. You have to survive to succeed. To repeat a point we’ve made a few times in th
... See moreMorgan Housel • The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness
The Impact of Debt
oaktreecapital.comTo grasp why people bury themselves in debt you don’t need to study interest rates; you need to study the history of greed, insecurity, and optimism. To get why investors sell out at the bottom of a bear market you don’t need to study the math of expected future returns; you need to think about the agony of looking at your family and wondering if y
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