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How Great Leaders Communicate
Transformational leaders overcommunicate. They repeat the mission so often, it becomes a mantra. A mantra is a statement or slogan that builds in strength as it’s repeated. Overcommunication fuels its impact. Your mission should take center stage. Shine a spotlight on your company’s purpose across communication channels: memos, emails, presentation
... See moreHarvard Business Review • How Great Leaders Communicate
- Make mission your mantra to align teams.
Harvard Business Review • How Great Leaders Communicate
Transformational leaders are exceptional communicators. In this piece, the author outlines four communication strategies to help motivate and inspire your team: 1) Use short words to talk about hard things. 2) Choose sticky metaphors to reinforce key concepts. 3) Humanize data to create value. 4). Make mission your mant
... See moreHarvard Business Review • How Great Leaders Communicate
“If you care about being thought credible and intelligent, do not use complex language where simpler language will do,” writes Nobel prize–winning economist Daniel Kahneman in Thinking, Fast and Slow . He argues that persuasive speakers and writers do everything they can to reduce “cognitive strain.”