Saved by Tom White
How does Early-Stage Venture Capital Perform in a Recession?
A great deal has been written about what constitutes Venture Capital and what does not (including by this very author) in these seventy years. Though many different things to many different people, Justice Potter Stewart’s famous dictum in Jacobellis v. Ohio works for our purposes:I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I ... See more
Tom White • How does Early-Stage Venture Capital Perform in a Recession?
Put simply, the Global Financial Crisis produced some of the best Venture Capital vintage years in modern history. A great deal of this value accrued to those GPs and LPs who deployed capital during the crisis’ nadir.
Tom White • How does Early-Stage Venture Capital Perform in a Recession?
History shows some of the best opportunities come in bad times, not good ones.Though we’re not in the business of prediction here at Stonks, in the words of Lord Byron: “The best prophet of the future is the past.”Put simply, if public/crypto market turmoil persists, early-stage valuations may well drop ~30% or lower (i.e.below levels seen merely a... See more