Holy Daimon
Whether he is happy or unhappy is not something which lies in man’s control; the happy man is the one who has a good daimon, eudaimon, in contrast to the unhappy man, the kakodaimon, dysdaimon. (…) A general belief in spirits is not expressed by the term daimon until the fifth century.25
Frater Acher • Holy Daimon
Plato makes it clear that this light which helps us see, or these ideas which help us remember, come from the immortal part of our soul; all other parts of it vanish at our death. Both metaphors illustrate how the nous surpasses both the material and human realms.
Frater Acher • Holy Daimon
Amongst modern magicians the practice of creating communion with our holy daimon is often narrowed down to the techniques of The Book of Abramelin and Aleister Crowley’s Liber Samekh. Whilst these sources have incredible value, limiting the subject to these texts significantly compromises our understanding.
Frater Acher • Holy Daimon
The logos, therefore – the charioteer in the analogy – was of utmost importance. This was where intellect had its throne, and from which reason and logic emerged. Whereas the horses pulled in the directions of social status and biological needs, the logos desired nothing but learning and wisdom. Only by means of this mental function was the soul ab
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the thumos is a critical part of the ancient Greek understanding of our soul. The word can best be translated in English as ‘spiritedness’ or ‘courage.’
Frater Acher • Holy Daimon
The magic of creating communion with our holy daimon is one of the most powerful forms of serving life
Frater Acher • Holy Daimon
The most interesting aspect of Socrates’ daimonion, which has been widely researched, is that it would never encourage him towards any action, but only warn and restrain him.
Frater Acher • Holy Daimon
It would be foolish of us to aspire to be flawless in the thousands of encounters we pass through each day. Flawlessness is for tyrants and the mythical dead. As living humans, our hands are always stained. We mess up, we clean up, and mostly are blissfully ignorant of the damage or good we have done.
Frater Acher • Holy Daimon
It is the function of nous that allows us to understand nature in an undistorted way and to achieve true insights about reality. While physical reality is constantly changing, and while our perceptions will always be biased due to their being filtered through eros and thumos, the nous ever remains pure and untouched by the tides of matter. Thus nou
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You matter because your life sends a ripple across this planet and up into the sky. You matter because over the course of your life hundreds, thousands of spirits will be watching you, observing you, and trying to learn from you what they do not have and often do not understand: free will, ethics, kindness, and firmness, and when to use each of the
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