Hiring your early team

Reconsidering Career Optionality

Erik Torenbergeriktorenberg.substack.com
Thumbnail of Reconsidering Career Optionality

How today's fastest growing B2B businesses found their first ten customers

Lenny Rachitskylennysnewsletter.com
Thumbnail of How today's fastest growing B2B businesses found their first ten customers

The Death of the Big 4: AI-Enabled Services Are Opening a Whole New Market

Building the initial team for seed stage startups at andrewchen

Thumbnail of    Building the initial team for seed stage startups at andrewchen

Founders #299 Steve Jobs

Hot Seat: The Startup CEO Guidebook

Dan Shapiro • 1 highlight

Cover of Hot Seat: The Startup CEO Guidebook

From Impossible to Inevitable

Aaron Ross, Jason Lemkin

Cover of From Impossible to Inevitable