Grace-Based Parenting

Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” The author goes on, two verses later, to build a case for a God who can be trusted in our day-to-day life by reminding us that this is the same God who created the entire universe out of nothing: “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God
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sensitive touch. God gives us just enough of a head start to bring perspective and understanding to the fragile needs of our kids.
Tim Kimmel • Grace-Based Parenting
Discipline is one of the key tools God has given to help us groom our children for greatness. To avoid disciplining your child because it makes you feel uncomfortable is to say you love your own best interests more than theirs. Grace-based parents want to see the “peaceful fruit of righteousness” growing in their adult children. The time to plant t
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One of the great general purposes you can transfer to your children is the goal of being a wisdom hunter. Wisdom is seldom available to the young, but it’s made available sooner rather than later when we see that part of our role as parents is to teach our children how to turn knowledge into practical truth and insight. That’s all wisdom is—knowled
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They couldn’t see the crossbars that hovered above each of their heads. They couldn’t see the thin strings that came from those crossbars that moved their arms, made them jump, and manipulated their mouths. They couldn’t see the evil hands of Satan, using them like marionettes to do his bidding.
Tim Kimmel • Grace-Based Parenting
Grace-based families create respectful ways for children to voice these frustrations with their parents. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
Tim Kimmel • Grace-Based Parenting
reaching young people is a lot like fishing. When it comes to luring fish, it’s best to put on the hook something they like to eat, not what you like.
Tim Kimmel • Grace-Based Parenting
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9) It was in God’s grace that Paul figured out how to feel secure, significant, and strong. His personal weaknesses and points of vulnerability weren’t removed, but he had the necessary grace to face them and accept them.
Tim Kimmel • Grace-Based Parenting
Children face crises in their emotional life where they simply don’t know what to do. They need us close by, paying attention to the situation and giving them the kind of help that gets them through their dilemma in such a way that they are stronger on the other side of it.