• from Goodwill Hunting #06: how aggregation theory applies to resale fashion by Goodwill Hunting

    Danielle Vermeer added

  • from Curators All the Way Down by Gaby Goldberg

    Luc Cheung added

  • from Curators All the Way Down by Gaby Goldberg

    Luc Cheung added

  • from Curation as a Service: No-Code Directories, Personal Brands, Digital Products

    Danielle Vermeer and added

  • from AI will change how you search—here's how | Zapier

    Britt Gage and added

  • from Curators Are the New Creators by Gaby Goldberg

    Lucas Jackson added

  • from The rise of community-curated knowledge networks by Sari Azout

    Luc Cheung and added

  • from Challenging Amazon's dominance by Li Jin

    sari added