Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work

In some industries, the gig economy serves as a stop-gap technology, with companies employing people in the cheapest way possible until, eventually, it becomes cheaper to buy a machine.
Sarah Kessler • Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work
delivering flexibility—without fixing the support structures
Sarah Kessler • Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work
given customer demands for dirt-cheap service no matter what the cost to workers and the threat of misclassification lawsuits, companies weren’t likely to make.
Sarah Kessler • Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work
results paled in comparison to the security of a traditional full-time job with benefits,
Sarah Kessler • Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work
Unlike freelancers, 77% of temp workers say they would rather have a traditional full-time job.
Sarah Kessler • Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work
second, that they involved a choice.
Sarah Kessler • Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work
WEALTH PERPETUATES WEALTH, but in-demand skills do, too.
Sarah Kessler • Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work
workers, and established practices for using apps as management.
Sarah Kessler • Gigged: The Gig Economy, the End of the Job and the Future of Work
Even helped employees with unpredictable schedules plan for the uneven income.