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Getting Wealthy vs. Staying Wealthy
A plan is only useful if it can survive reality. And a future filled with unknowns is everyone’s reality.
A good plan doesn’t pretend this weren’t true; it embraces it and emphasizes room for error. The more you need specific elements of a plan to be true, the more fragile your financial life becomes. If there’s enough room for error in your savings
... See • Getting Wealthy vs. Staying Wealthy
No one wants to hold cash during a bull market. They want to own assets that go up a lot. You look and feel conservative holding cash during a bull market, because you become acutely aware of how much return you’re giving up by not owning the good stuff. Say cash earns 1% and stocks return 10% a year. That 9% gap will gnaw at you every day.
But if t
... See • Getting Wealthy vs. Staying Wealthy
G ood investing is not necessarily about making good decisions. It’s about consistently not screwing up.