Saved by Lillian Sheng
Premium special: Gamification of Chinese consumer tech
Gamifying of apps means companies can't make products look better, so they are tapping into your human biology and psychology.
Invest like the Best • Gabriel Leydon - Designing Digital Economies - Invest Like the Best with Patrick O'Shaughnessy
Ian Vanagas added
Gamification once promised to create a better society, but it’s now used mainly to addict people to apps. The gamifiers, like Skinner’s pigeons, prioritized immediate rewards over delayed ones, so they gamified for the next financial quarter and not for the future of civilization.
Gurwinder • Why Everything Is Becoming a Game
simon added
Anvika Anvika and added
A modern darling of edutainment that is a big public success would be Duolingo. Their focus on gamification is deeply studied and widely appreciated. In an interview the founder was asked about the conflict between gamification/engagement and education. To which Luis (founder and ceo of Duolingo) responded they always pick gamification/engagement i... See more
Reggie James • EDUTAINMENT, Technology Adoption, and the current Revolution
Andrei Stoica added
Lillian Sheng added
Gaming is expanding its reach into every part of our lives (education, medicine, music) and is becoming the foremost battleground for the future of big tech. This strikes me as analogous to the Facebook story from above. The market clearly believes video games represent a valuable opportunity, but may be underrating the scale by orders of magnitude... See more
Brett Bivens • How to Identify Underrated Markets
sari added
All the major gaming platforms are getting crowded. Unexpected success stories where games become viral are becoming further apart. Gaming founders need to be data driven even in their early creative iterations, have marketing professionals embedded in their team from the get go and carefully and ensure a healthy CAC-LTV formula from the early days... See more
NFX • What VCs Don't See: Why We're Bullish on Gaming Startups
sari added