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Future of Social Communities
4. Monetize Exclusivity
- Subscription or initiative models enhance exclusivity
- Monetization can be scaled in tiers, exclusive merch, etc.
Future of Social Communities
Future of Social Communities
3. Deeper Fan Engagement
- Community members can be a part of fan-made boards for the brand, test product, etc.
Future of Social Communities
Future of Social Communities
2. Own Your Community
- Brands can have dozens of non-official pages, but there can only be one official
Future of Social Communities
Future of Social Communities
1. Start Small Scale Big
- Focus on building with your core audiences first, and let them become the advocates that recruit others
Future of Social Communities
“Our community has been a great source of ideas for new product features, so much so that we’ve rolled out “Feature Friday” in our Facebook group. Every Friday, we invite members to share their ideas, which our product team reviews as key input to our product roadmap.” - Brad Olson, SVP of Member Experience Peloton
Future of Social Communities
After establishing its FANography insight community, sports broadcasting leader ESPN has been able to bring market research in-house, saving approximately $650,000 in one year.