• Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits

    by Debbie Millman

    1 highlight

    Cover of Brand Thinking and Other Noble Pursuits
  • from Branding as Cultural Activism by Douglas Holt

    Mike Renaud added

  • Life After Lifestyle

    by Toby

    32 highlights

    Thumbnail of Life After Lifestyle

    Sterling Proffer and added

  • from Life After Lifestyle by Toby

    Sterling Proffer and added

  • from Life After Lifestyle by Toby

    Sterling Proffer added

  • from Inside the Internet's First 77-Artist "Headless Band" by Friends with Benefits (FWB)

    Keely Adler added

  • from Headless Brands by otherinter.net

    Alex Wittenberg added

  • I F**KING LOVE THAT COMPANY: How a New Generation of Brand Builders Is Defining the Post-Amazon World

    by Randy Komisar

    Cover of I F**KING LOVE THAT COMPANY: How a New Generation of Brand Builders Is Defining the Post-Amazon World