Framing techniques help us to quickly identify the underlying issues that must be tackled during product discovery.
Marty Cagan • INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Customers Love (Silicon Valley Product Group)
good problem-solvers try out many framings, exploring how each impacts the solution space.
Teresa Torres • Continuous Discovery Habits: Discover Products that Create Customer Value and Business Value
The process of shaping the vision begins by clearly articulating the problem that the team will try to solve. This essential step is often overlooked, or we assume everyone knows what the problem is. The quality of a problem statement increases our team’s ability to focus on what really matters — and, more importantly, ignore what does not. By deve
... See moreJoanne Molesky • Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organizations Innovate at Scale
Much of the work when tackling an ill-structured problem is framing the problem itself.5 How we frame a problem has a big impact on how we might solve it.
Teresa Torres • Continuous Discovery Habits: Discover Products that Create Customer Value and Business Value
Much of the work when tackling an ill-structured problem is framing the problem itself.5 How we frame a problem has a big impact on how we might solve it.
Teresa Torres • Continuous Discovery Habits: Discover Products that Create Customer Value and Business Value
They give teams a strategy and a set of outcomes to achieve, along with a set of constraints, and then give them the freedom to use their firsthand knowledge of the situation to solve the problem.