Fragments Nº21: Doing The Lambeth Walk
Toby • Life After Lifestyle
What interested me was the way that different subcultures and brands were feeding off one another. Lifestyle brands and DTC needed to draw on these subcultural elements—they needed to be the products people buy in order to participate. And in the other direction, product imagery was beginning to play an important role in subcultural formation. In m
... See moreToby Shorin • Life After Lifestyle
As a consumer, you subscribe to one vision or another: what’s your version of hiking out doors? What type of vibe are you about? Purist? Gorpy? High intensity? Meditative? But in all cases, the branded subculture itself is the main thing, while the role of physical goods is diminished. Their job is not to drive value, but to add another layer of de
... See moreToby Shorin • Life After Lifestyle
Each status group contains a multitude of distinct conventions, which all interlock through a strong internal logic.