Molly Mielke • morals
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Founders are taught to possess enough faith to will whatever they’re working on into existence but are rarely reminded to worship anything but themself. This creates a pressure cooker of responsibility that distorts reality to the point that they often find it hard not to confuse themselves for God — and we all know how that ends.
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He suggested that the illusion of freedom—the idea that every entrepreneur is a master of their own desire—is dangerous. “Founders are the worst,” he said. “There’s a Randian—I must be the John Galt—feeling. You can be as liberated as you want, but there’s a web of connectivity, and they forget.”
Everyone wants to be a founder, but they don’t understand exactly what that means. Being the leader sucks because you’re ultimately responsible not only for your performance but also for the performance of your entire team, the market, your investors, your competitors, and even your customers. Most people calling themselves founders today are just
... See moreThe single greatest danger for a founder is to become so certain of his own myth that he loses his mind. But an equally insidious danger for every business is to lose all sense of myth and mistake disenchantment for wisdom.