FLORA - True Creative AI

I also love how FLORA describes what kind of company it is towards the end of the manifesto.
“...an applied HCI company...”
A year or tw... See more
Founded out of an art & technology graduate program called NYU ITP, FLORA is an applied HCI company with a mission to make it possible to speak your ideas into existence, with a high degree of creative control.
“...an applied HCI company...”
A year or tw... See more
Reggie James • FLORA - True Creative AI
In gaming there’s a term called FTUE → first time user experience. Some folks in the broader software world compress this into “onboarding”. But I really like FTUE as an idea because it has the presupposition of valuing the experience, not just getting folks onboarded as quickly as possible.
Reggie James • FLORA - True Creative AI
I’m not sure who exactly made the initial flows that you could select from... but it already showed the flywheel that’ll soon be on its way within FLORA.
Here’s a story I’m already sure is playing out:
Folks come to FLORA to explore typography styles for their project, but they need something more powerf... See more
I’m not sure who exactly made the initial flows that you could select from... but it already showed the flywheel that’ll soon be on its way within FLORA.
Here’s a story I’m already sure is playing out:
Folks come to FLORA to explore typography styles for their project, but they need something more powerf... See more
Reggie James • FLORA - True Creative AI
A lot of times I allowed FLORA to just let it rip, and even if I hated the outcome → it gave me a thing to edit. So often in creative work, momentum is the name of the game, and FLORA really shaped my sense of pace to keep pushing towards an end state rather than getting lost in decision paralysis of how I should prompt what’s going to be a throwaw... See more