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Five Trends for the 2020s
The next decade will be defined by conscious consumption. In the post-growth era, success will reward the platforms and communities that empower us to control our feeds and information intake.
Co-Matter • Post-Social Media_2020X-co–matter.pdf
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Here are five reasons for why the 2020s will be an incredible decade for consumer businesses:
Nikhil Basu Trivedi • Consumer Technology Is Alive and Well
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If the 20th Century was about mass consumption, the 21st Century is about “bespoke consumption.” We have more production than ever—the internet and AI both continue to make it easier than ever to produce—but that production is composed of more tailored, customized products designed for individuals, rather than for the masses.
Rex Woodbury • The Hyper-Personalization of Everything
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Abie Cohen and added
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