Find What You Love and Let It Kill You
Just like few of us experience love at first sight, few will experience passion and meaning at first experience. Like a relationship, we must build it from scratch, piece-by-piece, until after years of brick and sweat, it can stand on its own.
And once we’re there, like a plane in full nosedive, we let it take us to our grave, holding hands, blanket... See more
And once we’re there, like a plane in full nosedive, we let it take us to our grave, holding hands, blanket... See more
Mark Manson • Find What You Love and Let It Kill You
And while it’s possible to brainstorm some ideas to help one get started, finding meaning and purpose is not a five-day spa retreat. It’s a fucking hike through mud and shit with golf-ball-sized hail pelting you in the face. And you have to love it. You really have to love it. • Find What You Love and Let It Kill You
Finding the passion and purpose in your life is a trial-by-fire process. You don’t simply wake up one day and become happy doing one thing forever and ever. Like death, it’s a constant work-in-progress. You must try something, pay attention to how it feels, adjust and then try again. Nobody gets it right on the first try, or the tenth or sometimes ... See more