Fairy Tales from the German Forests

The Easter egg is easier to account for; the idea there is, that as the little chicken breaks through the hard shell, and awakes to new life, so Christ broke the bars of death on the first glorious Easter morning.
Margaret Arndt • Fairy Tales from the German Forests
He had the unshaken confidence in the final victory of good over evil, that is so necessary to help us to any measure of success in this world with its chequered lights.
Margaret Arndt • Fairy Tales from the German Forests
Gretel had heard of the magic flower Moly which screamed when it was pulled up by the roots; could there be screaming bushes as well?
Margaret Arndt • Fairy Tales from the German Forests
This mark is the old symbol of the Mithras cult, two axes placed sideways signifying the striking of fire. It is an old sign known and respected by the fairies;
Margaret Arndt • Fairy Tales from the German Forests
Hugo had few story-books; but he did not need them; for he lived in the forest, and the forest tells its own tales to the children who live there.
Margaret Arndt • Fairy Tales from the German Forests
Do you, I wonder, little children, who read this story? Or are you like the boy in the kindergarten to whom I was telling a fairy story and who interrupted me contemptuously with the remark: "Fairies don't exist!" "O don't they my little man!" said I. "Well you think so." Presently we read of a ball that grew, and he s
... See moreMargaret Arndt • Fairy Tales from the German Forests
"Take the book," said King Reinhold to Hugo. "It is only a tiny chapter from the great book of Nature that has neither beginning nor end. But if you study it carefully and earnestly, it will always bring you hope and happiness, whatever your learned men may say to the contrary.
Margaret Arndt • Fairy Tales from the German Forests
The legend is that as the Hare always sleeps with its eyes open, it was the only living creature that witnessed the Resurrection of our Blessed Lord, and therefore for ever afterwards it has become associated with Easter.