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Facebook vs. TikTok | Elon Musk emails Tesla's board
While our strategy is designed to stand the test of time, our execution and focus must be responsive to the needs of the current moment. Today we see a shift towards social media products serving as “discovery engines.” We’re sharing an updated articulation of our near-term priorities that are aimed at strengthening the Facebook discovery engine. T... See more
Internal Tech Emails • Facebook vs. TikTok | Elon Musk emails Tesla's board
Our vision is for Facebook to be a place where everyone can belong, though the power of community. We define our four durable strategic pillars to accomplish this by helping people:
- Find, enjoy and create interesting content.
- Strengthen their relationships.
- Create communities - both big and small.
- Realize economic opportunities.
Internal Tech Emails • Facebook vs. TikTok | Elon Musk emails Tesla's board
Historically, Facebook has taken an entity-centric approach to discovery. We help you connect with the friends, groups, and pages you care about most. Then updates from those connections are ranked in Feed. Unconnected content in Feed was surfaced via reshares from the friends, groups, and pages you follow, but unconnected recommendations weren’t h... See more
Internal Tech Emails • Facebook vs. TikTok | Elon Musk emails Tesla's board
Today this is changing. Social media products - including our own - are delivering value by investing more in discovery engines that help people find and enjoy interesting content regardless of whether it was produced by someone you’re connected to or not.
Internal Tech Emails • Facebook vs. TikTok | Elon Musk emails Tesla's board
Serendipitous discovery has also been a mainstay of why people use Facebook. While people frequently open our app to connect with friends, family and communities, they also often open our app without an explicit intention. This use case and the motivation behind it was eloquently captured in our 2018/2019 research around “socially powered possibili... See more