Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
set the timer for six minutes and freewrite in response to this prompt: My work is… Now look back over what you’ve written and have a go at picking out all the metaphors you’ve used. Remember they can be hiding in plain view – be ruthless in identifying anything that is not literally true; there’ll probably be more than you imagine. What do you not
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One fun and effective inquiry experiment is to flip the familiar idea of brainstorming: instead of trying to come up with as many ideas for answers/solutions as possible, challenge yourself to come up with as many questions related to the topic you’re looking at as possible.
Alison Jones • Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
This is the foundation of learning: the willingness to entertain the possibility that you might be wrong, that there might be a better way to do things. Paradoxically it’s a sign of inner confidence: it’s the most insecure people who resist the idea of being wrong most strenuously. Being comfortable with being wrong is at the root of what psycholog
... See moreAlison Jones • Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
In this exercise, we’re going to explore how these objects shed metaphorical light on an issue you’re facing. So that’s the final step: select a live problem or situation that you’d like a fresh perspective on. It could be a tricky relationship, a resourcing or structural issue, anything.
Alison Jones • Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
If I could do that again, I would…
Alison Jones • Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
How can I move the needle just 1% today?
Alison Jones • Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
Morning Pages are a key practice in The Artist’s Way, her 12-week course aimed at awakening creativity. But if you’re using freewriting as a tool for business thinking rather than as a purely creative exercise, it can be more helpful to start with a prompt.
Alison Jones • Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
‘Metaphor’ is simply the catch-all term for thinking about one thing in terms of another.
Alison Jones • Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
You may be familiar with inquiry as a tool for self-development in your professional life if you’ve worked with a coach: a good coach is less about providing answers and much more about asking great questions to help you understand an issue better and create your own solutions.
Alison Jones • Exploratory Writing: Everyday magic for life and work
I think the reason I don’t know the answer to this is…