Saved by Brian Sholis
✨ Expansive Brands • garden3d research
- "deprioritizing ethical business practices directly undermines stability, profitability and growth"
Hugh Francis • ✨ Expansive Brands • garden3d research
- "The decision to **add to cart** is no longer a knee-jerk reaction mid-scroll on social media, but now a risky energetic investment by an increasingly cynical and burnt-out online user."
Hugh Francis • ✨ Expansive Brands • garden3d research
- "The aggregate carbon footprint of Shopify’s fragmented conglomerate of small internet businesses on the other hand, is massive. Each product line houses an inefficient, dysfunctional (mini) supply chain, involving extra transport steps, re-boxing and temporary warehousing, drastically increasing CO2 emissions (and baseline cost) when compared to... See more
Hugh Francis • ✨ Expansive Brands • garden3d research
- "Rather than applying the traditional object oriented approach of wrapping a consumer around a product; instead by identifying every opportunity to establish a brand as a cultural institution (that serves the public in it’s operation), the brand consistently fortifies an ethical and moral foundation from which to exist."
Hugh Francis • ✨ Expansive Brands • garden3d research
- "An expansive brand accepts a place in society as a type of public good, operating with a simple logic of forever expanding to nourish its every cultural touchpoint."
Hugh Francis • ✨ Expansive Brands • garden3d research
- "A dedication to the public domain demonstrates that the brand exists to contribute to culture, rather than extract from it."
Hugh Francis • ✨ Expansive Brands • garden3d research
- "At their core, Expansive Brands are about doing good by being good."