• Everything That Turned Out Well in My Life Followed the Same Design Process

    by Henrik Karlsson

    13 highlights

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    and added

  • If I look at things that have turned out well in my life (my marriage, some of my essays, my current career) the “design process” has been the same in each case. It has been what Christopher Alexander called an unfolding .1 Put simply:

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from Everything That Turned Out Well in My Life Followed the Same Design Process by Henrik Karlsson

and added

  • If I look at things that have turned out well in my life (my marriage, some of my essays, my current career) the “design process” has been the same in each case. It has been what Christopher Alexander called an unfolding .1 Put simply:

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    from Everything That Turned Out Well in My Life Followed the Same Design Process by Henrik Karlsson

    Tejas Gawande added