Saved by Clara Nafria
Emotions Aren’t the Enemy of Good Decision-Making
Saved by Clara Nafria
From “I like to be efficient” to “I trust my gut” to “I can make a rational decision,” there are a number of deeply ingrained — and counterproductive — myths we tell ourselves about how we make decisions. Underlying these myths are three common and popular ideas that don’t serve us well: First, as busy people, we d
... See moreWhen your thinking is contaminated by negative emotions, make as few decisions and engage in as few interactions as possible. This keeps these emotions from spilling over into your life.
We make decisions all day long, and many of them are emotionally driven. Rarely do we sift through all the available information to ensure we know every fact. And we don’t need to. It is all about degrees of certainty.
When I encounter a client who is confused about what is the best path to take and he is impatient with his indecision, I tell him that he needs to do more emotional research. Usually people who are on the fence about a decision make a pro and con list, either in their heads or on a piece of paper. This is an intellectual exercise that doesn’t help
... See moreit’s hard to make good decisions during emotional upheaval, it’s also hard to make good decisions in the absence of emotion.