Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
There's really no way to do this right.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
Spirituality is a practice of faith and I think about it as religion is sort of what we do and spirituality is what it is to be
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
But faith, let's go.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
the universe conspires with you. It doesn't select you, you're not special, but it conspires with you when you put yourself in motion.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
I don't know, it's just a place to rest really, honestly. It's a place to rest outside of certainty. Try it. You might find it deeply, deeply comforting, even though it promises to resolve absolutely nothing.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
I don’t know as mantra
And when things don't happen that I want to happen, I, instead of going immediately into victimhood or fear or anxiety, I just try to go back to this like, that's interesting. I guess that wasn't for me. Maybe something better, maybe something different. I'm just gonna say in a place of, of faith, and it's not Pollyanna-ish either. It's just. A, th... See more
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
ut then we have to remember like it's never out there that we're gonna find the answers that we need. It is only in here and we have to sort of deprogram or de-train ourselves from thinking from that type of thinking: If I just do all of these things, I'll be, well, if I d just do all of these things, I'll be good. If I just do all of these things,... See more
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
Faith as understanding ourself, collecting parts of ourselves
in that quest for certainty in that desire to sort of do the right thing or get to the end or, be good, we want some sort of exterior authority, some system of belief to confirm for us that we're following all the steps and checking everything off the to-do list. And that's a fallacy, certainly.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
I think that that curiosity is, you know, my primary form of inspiration
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
Whereas I think we're being asked, or at least I feel called to stay in this place of seeking wholeness, which to me is the path within that construct that's focused on being and focused on self, self-acceptance and focused on recovering parts of myself from shadow and feelings that there's not more for me to do, now is the time where I am trying t... See more