Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
in that quest for certainty in that desire to sort of do the right thing or get to the end or, be good, we want some sort of exterior authority, some system of belief to confirm for us that we're following all the steps and checking everything off the to-do list. And that's a fallacy, certainly.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
But faith, let's go.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
And the thesis of this gospel is everything that you have is inside. This is an internal experience. And don't do anything that's adulterous to your nature essentially. And by that he meant that's sort of in disobeyance to who you to really are. It's your job to figure out who you really are.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
I just feel like continually, we need to remind ourself that we need to be in this space of spirituality, of Mary Magdalene, of the work of wholeness. No one can do that for us. No one, and no one can tell us exactly what that looks like for us or what needs to be done to achieve that.It is deeply personal, internal work. And yes, I think we all ha... See more
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
Faith as a way to relate to myself, move through the world, etc
the universe conspires with you. It doesn't select you, you're not special, but it conspires with you when you put yourself in motion.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
I think that that curiosity is, you know, my primary form of inspiration
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
It's like an undeniable reality. It's not a question of like what you believe in or how adherent you are to your faith. This is just, there's a divinity baked into all of us and, the and also that there are all these false binaries or these systems set up as oppositional.
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
But I recognize why that level of order and certainty is very reassuring, as is this idea that you do a certain amount of things and you end up getting your reward, your just reward at the. But as we all know, that is not life. Life is not a simple math problem. It's not algebra. It's far, far more complex. And I think staying because we don't need... See more
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
Spirituality is a practice of faith and I think about it as religion is sort of what we do and spirituality is what it is to be
Elise Loehnen: What We’re After (Solo Episode) — Elise Loehnen
that's why I think of myself as a person of faith and why my mantra is, I don't know. Because to presume to know, to presume that I can order the universe or understand all of the powers at play, or that I understand or know or can predict with absolute accuracy, everything that's going to happen or that we live in some sort of mechanic, materialis... See more