Element (Private) / Cosmos
Cosmos - StackRadar
stackradar.coFound on Cosmos
cosmos.soBesides the infinite social media maelstrom1 and the continuously growing commercialization of the web2, we will soon have to deal with an avalanche of AI-generated content3 as well. The corners of the internet cultivated by individuals are important for its vitality and may even become critical to the very survival of a humane online ecosystem. Ot... See more
Human Curation
AI Creation
we are living simultaneously in two worlds, one in which almost everything is still done through formal institutions, whether corporations, large R&D labs, banks, universities, or governments, and another in which people are joining up to create something new outside of traditional boundaries, in the process displacing these decades-old
Marina Gorbis • The Nature of the Future
Let’s recap: as content creation and distribution tends to infinity, community emerges as true internet-native media. Community is an exercise in cultural production, and communities filter content proliferate a specific point of view. The role of the community, then, is to create and curate cultural artifacts in-line with their collective point of... See more